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Saturday, 19 March 2016

Nothing Faker Than A Friendly Hater

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I used to walk into a room full of people and wonder if they liked me.  Now i look around and wonder if i like them. The goal isn't to be Liked it's to be Respected.
   We often ponder if the people we love (be it friends or family) genuinely care for us the way we do. Because humans can be deceitful EH! As in! The lies, fake smiles and handshake is something i cannot comprehend. We let ourselves be controlled by People, Past experiences and Money. The people we vouch for are even the ones that spreads false rumours about us.
"Be careful who you vent to. A listening ear is also a running mouth."
    No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people  ultimately tells all. Integrity is Everything! I try to be open-minded to everyone i meet in life. I've been back-stabbed several times(not playing the victim) but honestly it hasn't changed the kind of person i am. Hence i've learned the hard way. "ma mind dey cut sometimes wen i find out say na persin way i get beta rapon with, nai de fuck me up." People hate you for reasons you don't know. They judge you for your taste in music, your clothing, your size,  sexuality or color... Hell! Even worse they judge you because people love you. If you know say you get friends way de listen to your gist buh de hold back e own, FEAR THEM. Not everyone are comfortable with discussing their private matters with friends that i know but for you to hear some indepth matters that is you gats share yours. Not compulsory i supposed buh i don't consider these kind of people as ones you should even share stuffs with in the first place.

    My cousin in particular Anita. The young lady knows her friends and foes and knows how to manipulate her ways. There was this time we had a lil'beef. Mehn nor be little beef abeg. She totally ignored me in school even in front of my friends and everyone kept asking 'what went wrong between two sisters'. And when we returned home from school during a short break, she played cool like nothing happened when i and my elder sister visited her family. The little devil even served me food and called out that it's on the dinner. Na me con de uncomfortable. Because i kept asking 'nor be persin way de quarrel with me de act like this? i con de thank God say finally she's over it but i was in for a big surprise. She returned back to the same state when we went back to school. I can be  good at some vices buh enemity?.... that shit is hard mehn. Anyway, we settled our God-knows-what differences( because she never told me the cause of it). My point here is that she actually alter her feelings towards me so both families won't suspect a thing. I wonder how people do that. If i'm angry with you damn right you will know right away. That's how i deal with things. I'm outspoken. Some people say i'm temperamental maybe they are right maybe they aint. Because my anger does not exceed that day unless you over-do am. Buh i de spark sha wen i para.

Not my job to expose the fake. In due time they expose themselves.
   People are going to love or hate you. Don't waste time trying to control that. Spend you days pleasing God... not people. Like a friend Gabriel told me. "You need everybody. And by everybody i mean friends and especially your enemies". I never understood what he meant till a time i had to deal with an ugly situation. He later explained by saying 'We shouldn't drive everyone away from us. Yes we are going to meet some difficult, deceitful and not so trusted friends, don't chase them still. Cuz you'll need them someday. Just be mindful of how you relate with them though." Inspite of this, he also pointed out that "The worse you could ever do is let someone get comfortable with treating you wrong." Buh Guy if you know say the not-so-trusted friend can harm you more cut the person off completely!
"Your worse enemy could be your best friend and your best friend your worse enemy"- Bob Marley
   I have no problem with those who don't like me but i do have a problem with those who pretend to. When people start behaving funny towards you for no reason and act like they need space... Give them the fucking space. I for one will push on to know what went wrong but if you're not getting any reason GUY BONE.

   The messiest females have the most friends. They run in clicks. Half of them don't really like each other. They talk about each other yet they are "besties'. Meanwhile the realist and most solid chicks only got maybe 1-3 friends and maybe a favourite cousin or two.

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