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Sunday, 20 March 2016

The Church and You.

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   Church isn't a spectator sport. Church is family. And yet, many Christians have little more involvement in family life than rocking up to the family dinner late, and leaving as soon as they've finished their meal.
Virtually every church faces the issue of members who are perpetually uninvolved. They are the spectators in the congregation. Sunday church go full, weekdays programme church go empty like say everybody travel. May are faithful enough attendees but never move beyond that to be actively involved in the ministry of the church and mission of God. They go for the show, but not to serve. god help me too because ma hand still de the mata way i won discuss so.

   People (Youths and Married men especially) are just simply lazy. 
Most men think church is a Woman's thing. Aswear! Most of us are accustomed to spending just 2 hours in church and once it's past that time and Father still dey talk or Thanksgiving still de go on we don de grumble up and dan. They know they should serve but they don't just see the need or have the desire. This can be a dangerous attitude to have. No everyone is inactive for the same reasons.

   Sometimes there are genuine reasons why people don't serve. Other times, the reasons are less convincing. In other cases, there is more that can be done by ministry leaders to encourage people to use their gifts to serve.

  1. I'm not a Christian- i'm checking Christianity out.
  2. I'm a member of another church.- I come here for more teaching or to meet other Christians.
  3. I'm too busy with work.
  4. I'm too busy with family commitments( we have kids).
  5. I'm too busy with family problems (e.g. my sister's sick).
  6. I'm busy with other things( e.g. preparing to get married).
  7. I'm married to an unbeliever who doesn't like it when i go out.
  8. My husband/wife and i don't spend enough time together so the week nights/ weekends are precious to us.
  9. I don't know what opportunities are available.
  10. I don't have enough information about the available opportunities (e.g. what would be required of me to serve on the trade fair market). 
  11. I don't know what gift God has given me.
  12. I don't have the skills required to serve in the available areas (e.g. i don't know how to use the computer to operate PowerPoint).
  13. No one asked me.
  14. I've come from another church because i'm burnt out. I just need to be fed for a bit.
  15. I'm serving in other way outside of church.
  16. I live too far away and it's a struggle to get to church outside of service times.
  17. I just don't want to.
  18. i served for a while, but i felt unappreciated and no one thanked me.
  19. I don't get anything out of it.
  20. I offered to serve, but i wasn't needed (e.g  i was told the ministry was full).

   One of the hardest aspects of managing a church is getting people to become involved. We tend to serve God wholeheartedly when we are in dire need of His help. That's when you will see Sister Judith sleeping the church and Brother Andrew in Sanitation Unit. And just after the miracle they are hoping for takes place they get too busy to wait behind for other church activities.  The tin way i hate pass sef na to sleep for church. As soon as the preaching start, eye go just de close jell-jelly like say i nor sleep for night. And when i try to walk it off, with the outside speakers still helping me to follow up with the preaching, that's when i will see some adults gisting outside the church (still within the compound though but with divided attention).

   Some go to church to show people their latest outfit. And more than half of the youths in the church(all  dominions not just Catholics) are yet to get involved with church activities. I have always seen myself as a Wanderer. From one place to another. From one parish to another. Today i'm in Legion of Mary tomorrow am in Charismatic. I just can't keep up. Not like i'm active o. But i try go to their meetings. But for the past 6 months since i moved to Port Harcourt, it's just been Sunday Sunday church (makes sign of the cross... God Help Me).

   Your church don't even know you as members sef. Because once church close u discharge with B-Race. Now tell me, how can they reach out to you if something bad happens or if you need their help on something. Nor be to pay tithe! You  have to accept that not everyone wants to dream big. Act as volunteers and work for God. Many youth group leaders believe they have to entertain their group to have full meetings. That's when they start cracking their heads on what comedians to bring to church, where to do picnic, what carnival to hold, and all sorts. It's ok but wrong!!! Young people must experience the work of Christ if they are to grow in their faith. Our society is concerned with : " what's in it for me?" We must instill sense of servant-hood in our young people. Young people will stay in stay in the church because they are drawn into the community by FAITH. We should start seeing ourselves as Discipler, Enabler, and Model.

   To nurture youth involvement, use the method Paul suggested to Timothy "and what you have heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be, able to teach others also"11 Timothy 2:2.


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